Posts tagged “Time management

Emerald of Life : Time Management

1. The importance of TIME.

Already stated in Al-Quran:



You might say,

” Now is not the right time”

“I’ll get around it”

” The conditions aren’t perfect at this moment”

Do you imagine that successful people allow themselves to procrastinate??? Of course not! Try to use three little words that can motivate you:


Try to reflect your life, are you practising procrastination? Procrastination leads to anxiety, stress, disappointment and feeling of failure. Am I right? Putting thing off especially the important one and the one that really need you attention is a certain route of stress. Is this true? You do not if you don’t manage your time effectively.

If you want to change your habit of procrastination, these are some ways that can be followed:

1. Ask yourself whether the tasks you are doing or putting off is valuable for you or give benefits for you. If certain tasks is not important or meaningless, it is better to drop them from your emergency lists.

Abu Hurairah narrated that Rasulullah said, “Between Islamic goodness of someone is that he left things not beneficial for him..” (HR Tarmizi)

2. Admit to yourself that you really have trouble in doing or completing the work. So decide what you are willing to do in order to finish the task.

3. Make a commitment to breaking a big project into smaller tasks that you are willing to complete them by a certain time.

4. Let yourself visualize the completion of the project. How to tackle the task and finish it.

5. Do the timeline or make a specific date of beginning and ending of your project. ( dead-line)

6. Make a contract with your friend to keep up to date the schedule that you have done.

7. If you cannot follow through or feel discouraged, try to spend a least 10 or 15 minutes a day to list some aspects of your projects.


“Certainly will the believers have succeeded. They who are during their prayer humbly submissive(khusyuk)”  Surah Al-Mukminun: 1-2


Islam is the best way of life. Allah have stated clearly in Al- Quran. Subhanllah.. Allah is Merciful. Allah teach us on how to do the work efficiently by putting focus in every job that we are doing. With focus, we can manage time wisely as we don’t drag the time by doing not beneficial things.

– Besides that, you know what is the best way to manage the time? Of course by performing prayer in the early hours. Look, how great Islam organize of life everyday. Grateful to Allah s.w.t because He has created us as Muslims.


Try not to waste your time, utilise every waking minute of the day. Don’t be a time-waster.

Here are some suggestions for positive actions that you can take to remain in charge of your time:

1. Be realistic in deciding what you can accomplish in a given period of time. Someone had said, ” You can do it all. But you cannot do it all at once.”

2. Before accepting new projects, think on how realistic it is to fit one more thing into your schedule.

3. make use of a schedule book or planner so that you can organize your time effectively.

4. Do not try to do everything by yourself alone. Try to ask others help.

5. Be comfortable with what you accomplish. You cannot be productive every moment. Alhamdulillah thank to Allah s.w.t because we can pray to Allah, doing sunat prayers, recite Al-Quran to get peacefulness in our heart. We can reduce the stress by putting dependence on Allah s.w.t by tawakkal.

6. Schedule as much time for eating and sleeping as you require.

7. Strive to live in the present moment and experience what is going on now. This is what we call FOCUS just now. Islam has give us the guide in Surah Al-Mukminun… Alhamdulillah…


  • balance work and play time
  • manage your stress
  • have days of achievement not activity
  • create a ‘to do’ list at the end of each day
  • prioritise the list
  • handle interruptions effectively
  • ensure you are able to ‘switch off’
  • build ‘thinking time’ into you schedule
  • build ‘learning time’ into your schedule
  • build ‘exercise time’ into your schedule
  • don’t procrastinate! do it now!
  • utilize your time and do not allow yourself or others to waste it
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